Tag: Machinima Page 6 of 7

New position : Professor at la Sorbonne in “Creation and Networks”

From September to December 2012, I will take punctually in charge the course of “Creation and Networks”, normally given by Nathalie Magnan, at la Sorbonne, in the Master…

Excerpt from Conversation with Isabelle Arvers and Jenna Ng on Machinima

James Barrett from the UMEA University recorded and published an excerpt of a conversation I had in Second Life with Jenna Ng about machinima. We are talking inside…

How to return to scriptwriting with video games, Video-conference at Remediate, Merz Akademie

For Remediate, an event curated by MARIO DOULIS and PETER OTTI at the Merz Akademie, I gave a video conference about »Machinima or how to return to Scriptwriting…

Machinima workshop MashUpFilm Festival : come and meet to machinimake with us!! 22 24 june 2012

BA MashUp Film Festival 2012 par forumdesimages For this new machinima workshop with Emmanuel Mayoud, we invite every machinima makers from Paris and surroudings to come and share…

Atelier Machinima Isabelle Arvers Installation Quentin Metrnique

Machinima workshop with art students, ESA Cambrai 2012

The line of research on video games aims to address critically video games and art, as installation, performance, digital painting in motion, gaming, interactivity or” video. The workshop…

Next machinima workshop and debates

Machinima workshop Tour! Machinima Workshop, Théâtre Toulon Liberté, 31st March & 1st April 2012, all day long! http://www.theatre-liberte.fr/spectacle/weekend-portes-ouvertes Machinima workshop, Stereolux, Nantes, from 10 to 19 April 2012,…

Call for works indie games / machinima / emotional mapping / geolocalization / digital urban devices

For the next edition of the Festival Gamerz, I am looking for machinima and indie games I am currently curating a show “On the other side of the…

This Spartan Life, Bong + Dern

This Spartan Life, un machinima au Congrès, 2012

[↗] read on ISSUU – Multitudes n°48, mars 2012

Enganos ou Falhas? A voz como modificaçao no Machinima, Isabelle Arvers, CINUSP collection vol 2

Nesta edição, ensaios sobre o Machinima, uma forma expressiva audiovisual contemporânea produzida em ambientes virtuais. Damos prosseguimento a nossa política editorial de oferecer ao público material bibliográfico inédito…

Atelier Machinima : Interview by Axelle Benaich 4 ademain.tv

Les ateliers machinima par Isabelle Arvers sur ademain.tv le petit média de Design The Future Now: présenter des projets innovants de façon simple! Revenir à l’écriture par le…

Enganos ou Falhas? A voz como modificaçao no Machinima

[↗] read on ISSUU – CINUSP collection vol 2, Portugese

When machinima talk about video games and when games reflect reality

Gamerz Festival #7 – ARCADE, Aix-en-Provence, November 2011 Machinima program, curated by Isabelle Arvers A selection of films made from video game engines or from a Game Boy…

Workshop on gamification & advergames at Tunis 2.0

  Tunis 2.0, 30 sept – 1st oct. 2011, Africa Hotel, Tunis As I participated to Marseille 2.0 in 2010, I got in touch with Philippe Français who…

Regine-Machinima, interview

Since you are one of the most respected experts in video games in France, i’m also going to ask you some general questions about the situation of game…

Red vs Blue, Rooster Teeth

Machinéastes, 2011

[↗] Survey of the machinima maker scene and daily diary about the machinima workshops I animated in 2010-2011, MCD Hors Série 3game Cuture, FR+ENG

Machinima, Court circuit, ARTE

[↗] Video YouTube – Interview Isabelle Arvers et Alex Chan sur les machinimas, émission Court circuit, ARTE, mai 2007

Digital Salon, games and cinema

Maison Populaire, Montreuil, from March 14 to April 9 2011 Digital cinema and video games, an exhibition and machinima screening. Games Diversion or circuitbending are artistic reappropriation prolonging…