Tag: Games Page 1 of 2

Kit pédagogique des jeux verts par isabelle arvers et livia diniz

Kit Pédagogique des Jeux Verts au Lycée Saint Exupéry à Marseille 2024-2025

Présentation du Kit Pédagogique des Jeux Verts aux élèves du lycée Saint-Exupéry à Marseille 15e. Une initiative développée avec l’artiste et activiste Livia Diniz pour changer la demande…

Thesis defense “Decolonizing art and video games”, 16 May 2024

Decolonizing Art & Video Games – Isabelle Arvers Ph.D. defense – May 16th 2024 To celebrate two decades of curating art and video games, I embarked on a…

Lecture “Innovation and games in Africa: towards an emerging market”, Princeton University, April 26th 24

The 7th edition of Arts and (re)Creation from Africas to the world is here! Join us as we explore the captivating world of This reading group seeks to…

Rencontre jeu vidéo: explorer la création indépendante hongkongaise, Forum des Images, April 24

Rencontre jeu vidéo: Explorer la création indépendante hongkongaise Rencontre avec Allison Yang Jing, game producer, narrative designer et curatrice de jeux vidéo, animée par Isabelle Arvers, commissaire d’exposition….

Playing with the (Im)possible

Decolonizing the imaginary through the tactical us of machinima, online talk at Merz Academie, 9th Nov 22

I was invited to give an online talk “Decolonizing the imaginary through the tactical us of machinima” at Merz Academie, in the frame of Playing with the (Im)possible…

Intervieww Isabelle Arvers Gamergate 20minutes.fr

« Panique morale » : Retour sur le #GamerGate, campagne de harcèlement inédite contre les femmes du jeu vidéo, interview par Matilde Saliou, 20minutes.fr, 1er Août 22

Interviewée par Matilde Saliou sur le Gamergate pour 20 Minutes. Cet été, 20 Minutes revient sur le phénomène des « paniques morales », utilisées par les mouvements conservateurs…

Isabelle Arvers Decolonizing the imaginary

Conference Decolonizing the imaginary through the tactical use of Machinima, ISEA 2022, Barcelona

Authors: Isabelle Arvers – ISEA 2022 Barcelona This conference analyses the tactical use of immersive works, video games and machinimas, as a good way to document, archive, represent…

jibambe na tec exhibition arvers

Jibambe na Tec, VR and Gaming exhibit, French Alliance, Nairobi, Kenya, Nov 20

In November 2020, I joined forces with Amaze, the Nairobi Bus, the French Alliance and the Goethe Institute to organise Jibambe na Tec a series of VR and…

Art Games Demos Poster


Art Games Demos est une soirée imaginée par Isabelle Arvers et Chloé Desmoineaux, dédiée à l’exposition d’oeuvres vidéo et à la démonstration de jeux vidéo dans une ambiance…

Atelier machinima à l'Ecole National des Beaux-Arts de Paris

Games as colors on canvas

During a machinima screening curated for the Mostravideo in Belo Horizonte in 2009, someone in the audience asked me if there were a specific machinima narrative or if…

Game conference at Carre d’Art, Nîmes, dec 14

In December I gave a conference at le Carré d’Art in Nîmes, about games and digital creation as facilitator tools in libraries. The funny thing is that the…

Games Reflexions, curator Isabelle Arvers

Games Reflexions game art retro & indie games exhibition

An exhibition curated by Isabelle Arvers with the help of Pierre Corbinais with the blog Oujevipo for the indie games part and of Benjamin Fouquoire in retrogaming. Are…

Happy to be back to WJ-s for a perf/conf at les Abattoirs

Les Abattoirs, 10 october 2013, 7pm, Hall Auditorium, Toulouse I am really happy to be back on webjaying for a conference performance about games and networks. I haven’t…

GAMES REFLEXIONS , Le Carreau, Cergy, 18 octobre, Novembre 2013

Une exposition conçue par Isabelle Arvers aidée de Pierre Corbinais de l’excellent blog Oujevipo pour la partie jeux indépendants et de Benjamin Fouquoire pour le retrogaming. GAMES REFLEXIONS…

Talking and thinking about games

These last three days, I spent my time talking and thinking about games. I went first to Cergy, invited by Xavier Girard, the artistic director of Visages du…

What is an indie game?

Animation of the round table of the EIGD on the 3d july 2012 with Jeff Minter, Heather Kelley, Fabien Delpiano and Thierry Platon. For the first edition of…

Curating new media in a gaming room, conference at Transmediale in 2003

I just found a conference I gave in 2003 at Transmediale in Berlin. PLAYTIME THE GAMING ROOM It was first created as a lighter option within the larger…