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"Walk with me", an artistic walking performance by Wei Hsinyen in Taipei, Taiwan

AGWT Podcasts Ep. 3 : “Walk with me”, a performance by Wei Hsinyen in Taipei, Taiwan

“Walk with Me” is a participatory work produced by Wei Hsinyen. The work is an experiment in discovering the scenic form of Taipei. The artist walks one-on-one with…

Jang Ying and Isabelle Arvers at ISEA 2019

AGWT Podcast Ep. 1: Yang Jing, game curator and columnist, based in Hong Kong

To celebrate my 20 years as curator in the fields of art and video games, I embarked in June 2019 on a Art & Games World Tour that…

Neverland Samak Kohsen

« Queer muslims in Thailand » Interview de Samak Kohsen pour Usbek & Rica

Rencontre avec Samak Kosem, qui mène un travail « anthropologico-artistique » sur l’homosexualité et l’identité queer dans les provinces musulmanes du sud du pays.

Laser Talk Gamejay performance with Tania Fraga & Roger Marzochi, Sao Paulo, December 2019

  Laser talks organized by Tania Fraga with a game Jay performance by Isabelle Arvers mixing games loops with real time brain waves captures Isabelle Arvers mixes live…

Art Games World tour updates and news!!!!

I have the great pleasure to share with you my latest news about my ongoing art and games world tour, focusing on female, queer, feminist and decolonial practices…

Le jeu vidéo indépendant en Inde

Lire le rapport pour les services culturels de l’Ambassade de France en Inde sur les Jeux Vidéo indépendants en Inde, novembre 2019 Les jeux indépendants en Inde

Art Games World Tour Game On

Art Games World Tour Exhibit Game On! Noviembro Elecronico, Buenos Aires, 2019

En #NoviembreElectrónico tendremos la visita de la curadora francesa de Isabelle Arvers, que celebrará sus 20 años en el ámbito del arte y del videojuego, y presentará Art…

Art Games World Tour at Overkill

Inter species imaginaries : Art Games World Tour exhibit at Overkill 2019

To celebrate her 20 years as curator in the fields of art and video games, Isabelle Arvers embarks on a world tour that takes her to over 15…

Expert Unity tee-shirt

Meeting Dustin Lee at Chungkang College of Cultural Industries

On the 12th of June, I had my first meeting in the frame of my Art + Games World Tour beginning in South Korea. Dustin Lee is the…

“Universalization is a colonialist heritage.” An interview with video game curator Isabelle Arvers by Regine Debatty

“Universalization is a colonialist heritage.” An interview with video game curator Isabelle Arvers by Régine Debatty

Read the interview about my upcoming Art + Games World Tour on We-make-money-not-art

MUCEM : Nuit vernie, On danse ?

📆 Vendredi 29 mars ⏰ 19:00-01:00 🌍 Mucem 💶 Accès libre 📞 NC — Nuit vernie — On danse ? La Nuit vernie, c’est une nocturne gratuite exceptionnelle…

TRANS//BORDER, Les Enseignements de Nathalie Magnan — La ronde des tables

TRANS // BORDER, The Teachings of Nathalie Magnan, The round of tables

French version From 16 to 18 March 2018 an exceptional event was held at the Mucem in Marseille: TRANS // BORDER, The Teachings of Nathalie Magnan. The event…

Logo Art and Games World Tour by Isabelle Arvers

ART + GAMES WORLD TOUR, by Isabelle Arvers, 2019 – 2020

French version To celebrate her 20 years as curator in the fields of art and video games, Isabelle Arvers proposes to carry out in 2019 a world tour…

Selection Machinima Isabelle Arvers Overkill

Machinima exhibition on Immortality for Overkill Festival in NL

The Overkill is a 48 hours nonstop festival which regroups an art exhibition, a selection of indie games, an alternative movie program, live performance and many activities such…

Fabulous Art Games Demos #5 @La Fabuerie le 9 juin

Pour cette 5ème édition Isabelle Arvers et Chloé Desmoineaux se joignent à la Fabulerie pour organiser un Fabuleux Art Games Demos le 9 juin à partir de 19h….

I am a curator, I’m an art & games curator, I’m a curator in New York Oh ! Oh !

In November, I went to New York to attend the two screenings retrospective the Anthology Film Archive dedicated to Nathalie Magnan. I spent ten days in New York…

Art Games Demos Poster

Appel à projet / call for proposals: Art Games Demos #3

Call for proposals ART GAMES DEMOS #3 Theme: The city 21 October 2017 at Cargo de Nuit in Arles Art Games Demos is an evening imagined by Isabelle…