Category: Performance Page 1 of 2

UKI Motion capture performance at Schedhalle

Opening the production of a 3D Sci-fi Alt Reality cinema UKI by Shu Lea Cheang at Schedhalle

With my NPO Kareron, I am the co-producer of UKI a Sci-fi Alt Reality cinema by Shu Lea Cheang with Jorgen Brüning. We decided to demistify the production…

Isabelle Arvers VJ Performance African Groove

Afro Groove VJ Performance with Saki Wakita and Alex Wielemans, Dahab, Egypt, 2021

I met randomly Saki Wakita because I had a torticolis and she came to my place to make me a reiki session. We became friends and she came…

Eglise vaudou du machinima

Enter the Machinima Vaudou Church! Lomé Togo July 2020

The day I became Azongnike, the Great Machinima Vaudou Priestess for the restitution of our machinima workshop with Togolese Storytellers. Such an amazing experience #artgamesworldtour #togo #yevi2.0 #african…

Eternal Parade, Carnaval Digital 2020

Vaudou Trans & Eternal Parade in Togo @ Carnavaldigital2020,

CARNAVAL DIGITAL 2020 is a six point star collaboration of specialists in anthropology on masks and rituals, artists, a specialist in carnivals around the world, a 2 very…

"Walk with me", an artistic walking performance by Wei Hsinyen in Taipei, Taiwan

AGWT Podcasts Ep. 3 : “Walk with me”, a performance by Wei Hsinyen in Taipei, Taiwan

“Walk with Me” is a participatory work produced by Wei Hsinyen. The work is an experiment in discovering the scenic form of Taipei. The artist walks one-on-one with…

Tropical play performance

Tropical Play performance // I am a VJ with Los Pat Moritas, Buenos Aires, Nov. 2019

As part of November Digital organised by the French Institute Argentina at El Cultural San Martin, Isabelle Arvers, VJ, artist and art and games curator and Los Pat…

Tecnofeminismo Alianza Francesa de Bogota curadora Isabelle Arvers

Tecnofeminismo Exposición diseñada por Isabelle Arvers, Alianza Francesa de Bogota, 2019

La exposición “Tecnofeminismo”, que se llevará a cabo en la Alianza Francesa de Bogotá, es una de las etapas de la gira mundial de arte y videojuegos realizada…

Natasha Tontey interview Usbek & Rica Isabelle Arvers

The future is cockroach!! Interview of Natasha Tontey for Usbek & Rica

Que se passerait-il si la blatte passait du statut de vermine à celui d’ami ? Interview de Natasha Tontey à Artjog, Bandung, Indonésie, à lire sur Usbek &…

MUCEM : Nuit vernie, On danse ?

📆 Vendredi 29 mars ⏰ 19:00-01:00 🌍 Mucem 💶 Accès libre 📞 NC — Nuit vernie — On danse ? La Nuit vernie, c’est une nocturne gratuite exceptionnelle…

Art Games Demos Platohedro

Residency in Platohedro, Medellin, august 18

In August 18, I was invited for a 1 month residency in Platohedro, in Medellin. During three weeks, I gave machinima workshops to local communities as well as…

Art Games Demos Platohedro

Edición especial de Art Games Demos en Medellín

Edición especial de Art Games Demos en Medellín, evento concebido por Isabelle Arvers y Chloé Desmoineaux. Art Games Demos from Platohedro on Vimeo. Art Game Demos es una…

Fabulous Art Games Demos #5 @La Fabuerie le 9 juin

Pour cette 5ème édition Isabelle Arvers et Chloé Desmoineaux se joignent à la Fabulerie pour organiser un Fabuleux Art Games Demos le 9 juin à partir de 19h….

Art Games Demos Poster

Appel à projet / call for proposals: Art Games Demos #3

Call for proposals ART GAMES DEMOS #3 Theme: The city 21 October 2017 at Cargo de Nuit in Arles Art Games Demos is an evening imagined by Isabelle…

Tetrageddon, Nathalie Leah Lawhead

Art Games Demos #1

Le 25 février à 20h à la VV 12 Quai de la Tourette, 13002 Marseille page de l’événement Art Games Demos est une soirée imaginée par Isabelle Arvers…

Logo Art Games Demos par Myriam Boyer

Appel à projet / call for proposals: Art Games Demos

APPEL A PROJET Art Games Demos est une soirée imaginée par Isabelle Arvers et Chloé Desmoineaux, dédiée à l’exposition de créations touchant de près ou de loin à…

Blue Mountain by Isabelle Arvers

“Cross by”, hybrid project between machinima and piano

The very close link between image and music is designed to create an immersive and contemplative experience in a hybrid form of a virtual space to be inhabited…

Résidence CLEA

Résidence arts numériques CLEA à Dunkerque

Cette année, j’ai passé 4 mois à Dunkerque en résidence mission dans le cadre du CLEA (Contrat Local d’Education Artistique). Pendant 4 mois, j’ai habité dans un gîte…