Category: Machinima Page 8 of 9

Atelier Machinima Isabelle Arvers Installation Quentin Metrnique

Machinima workshop with art students, ESA Cambrai 2012

The line of research on video games aims to address critically video games and art, as installation, performance, digital painting in motion, gaming, interactivity or” video. The workshop…

Atelier machinima par Isabelle Arvers à l’Ecole Supérieure d’Art de Cambrai, Février 2012

Dans le cadre de l’axe de recherche sur les jeux vidéo des étudiants en 3ème année de l’ESA de Cambrai, je suis venue passer trois jours à Cambrai…

Next machinima workshop and debates

Machinima workshop Tour! Machinima Workshop, Théâtre Toulon Liberté, 31st March & 1st April 2012, all day long! Machinima workshop, Stereolux, Nantes, from 10 to 19 April 2012,…

Call for works indie games / machinima / emotional mapping / geolocalization / digital urban devices

For the next edition of the Festival Gamerz, I am looking for machinima and indie games I am currently curating a show “On the other side of the…

This Spartan Life, un machinima au congrès, Revue Multitudes n°48, mars 2012

Dans le cadre du numéro consacré aux contre-fictions politiques, Ariel Kyrou m’a proposé d’écrire sur les machinimas et j’ai pris le vidéo blog de Chris Burke, “Don”t buy…

Enganos ou Falhas? A voz como modificaçao no Machinima, Isabelle Arvers, CINUSP collection vol 2

Nesta edição, ensaios sobre o Machinima, uma forma expressiva audiovisual contemporânea produzida em ambientes virtuais. Damos prosseguimento a nossa política editorial de oferecer ao público material bibliográfico inédito…

Atelier Machinima : Interview by Axelle Benaich 4

Les ateliers machinima par Isabelle Arvers sur le petit média de Design The Future Now: présenter des projets innovants de façon simple! Revenir à l’écriture par le…

When machinima talk about video games and when games reflect reality

Gamerz Festival #7 – ARCADE, Aix-en-Provence, November 2011 Machinima program, curated by Isabelle Arvers A selection of films made from video game engines or from a Game Boy…

Regine-Machinima, interview

Since you are one of the most respected experts in video games in France, i’m also going to ask you some general questions about the situation of game…

ISEA 2011 Istanbul panelist : Voicing electronic arts

Panelist, “Voicing the electronic arts, ISEA Istanbul 2011, Friday, 16 September, 2011 – 09:00 – 10:30 Machinima as a Political or Artistic Detournement of Video Games by Isabelle…

Year of personnal convergence : game art / web marketing / online archives publishing

  This video documents an open crea workshop organized by Design the Future Now. I gave a conference about advergames & gamification and then people from communication, serious…

Digital Salon, games and cinema

Maison Populaire, Montreuil, from March 14 to April 9 2011 Digital cinema and video games, an exhibition and machinima screening. Games Diversion or circuitbending are artistic reappropriation prolonging…

Game Heroes, aftershow

Game Heroes is about to end this weekend. If it was a big audience success, something surprised us : we first thought that our core audience was the generation…

Game Heroes, a playable exhibit

Game Heroes is a playable exhibit I just curated for the Library Alcazar, downtown in the center of Marseille. For this second retrogaming show – Playtime, my first…

Machinimas as a political or artistic “detournement” of video games

By using virtual spaces and changing the perspective as an artistic strategy, machinima allow a distanced critique of a simulated world. They tend to erase the boundaries between…

Machinima workshop at the Studio 13/16 at the Pompidou Center

The Studio 13/16 is a new art space dedicated to teenagers at the Pompidou Center, located at the level -1. This space juste opened few months ago and…

Interviewed by Mathias Jannson, for the gamescenes blog

Game Art: Isabelle Arvers on the French Game Art scene GameScenes is conducting a series of interviews with artists, critics, curators, gallery owners operating in the field of…