Category: Game art Page 2 of 7

virtual tree voyage au coeur des baobabs trailer

Virtual tree selected for a Crea.sen Residency, EUNIC Sénégal, Dakar, February – May 2022

Virtual tree, a journey into the trees has been selected as one of the 11 projects hosted by the residency CREASEN. The creasen residency of Laurel Gbenafa, Isabelle…

UKI Motion capture performance at Schedhalle

Opening the production of a 3D Sci-fi Alt Reality cinema UKI by Shu Lea Cheang at Schedhalle

With my NPO Kareron, I am the co-producer of UKI a Sci-fi Alt Reality cinema by Shu Lea Cheang with Jorgen Brüning. We decided to demistify the production…

mer rose claire by isabelle arvers

Mer rose claire exhibited at EXIS Festival in Seoul, Sept. 21

Really to annonce that my abstract machinima Mer Rose Claire is exhibited at EXIS 18th Experimental Film and Video Festival in Seoul, South Korea in the Now Choice…

uki by shu lea cheang

Co production of UKI a scifi viral alt-reality cinema by Shu Lea Cheang 2021, 2022

UKI by Shu Lea Cheang, a co-production Shu Lea Cheang, Kareron & Jürgen Brüning Filmproduktion   UKI  the new feature by Shu Lea Cheang, a scifi viral alt-reality cinema in…

Isabelle Arvers Interview Institut Francais

Interview on the Art & Games World Tour by the French Institute, Paris, 2021

My art and games world tour has been made possible thanks to the support of the French Institute in Paris, after more than one year touring the art…

Virtual tales workshop, with Alumbe Namai, AF Nairobi, Kenya, November 2020

Machinima films produced in the Machinima workshop conducted by Isabelle Arvers and Alumbe Namai, Kenyan storyteller In the frame of Jibambe na Tec at the French Alliance in…

pest to power natasha tontey

Don’t liberate us we take care of it! Art & Games exhibit, The Overkill Festival, (NL) November 2020

I am really thrilled to present my last collaboration with The Overkill Festival in Enschede in Netherlands on a invitation of Marie Janin. This art, games, music and…

jibambe na tec exhibition arvers

Jibambe na Tec, VR and Gaming exhibit, French Alliance, Nairobi, Kenya, Nov 20

In November 2020, I joined forces with Amaze, the Nairobi Bus, the French Alliance and the Goethe Institute to organise Jibambe na Tec a series of VR and…

Isabelle Arvers les rendez vous du jeu vidéo africain

Les rendez-vous du jeu vidéo africain / African Game Meetings, French Institute, Togo, 2020

🎮🕹 Les rendez-vous du jeu vidéo africain 🕹🎮 African video game meetings 🕹🎮 Pour fêter mes 20 ans de commissariat dans les domaines de l’art et des jeux vidéo,…

blublublu, abstract machinima by isabelle arvers

Blublublu exhibited in Personal Action, Public Display: A Balcony of Video Game Art at Artists Run Chicago 2.0

My abstract machinima blublublu created in Brazil during my residencyy at Riralscapes in collaboration with the musician collective Duo B is exhibited in Personal Action, Public Display: A…

Virtual storytelling workshops / ateliers contes virtuels, Lomé, Togo, July 2020

Festival Miségli: virtual storytelling workshops As part of the 2020 edition of the Miségli festival, entirely digital, discover the fruit of the collaboration of the Togolese storytellers and…

art games world tour africa arvers amaze

Art & Games World Tour Session AFRICA, AMAZE Total Digital, 2020

I am super happy to present 3 Art + Games World Tour sessions A MAZE. Total Digital 2020 To celebrate my 20 years as curator in the fields…

Tour du monde art et jeu vidéo au brésil d'isabelle arvers

La scène art et jeu vidéo queer, féministe et décoloniale au Brésil pour Poptronics

C’est reparti ! La pandémie n’a pas interrompu le tour du monde du jeu vidéo queer, indé et post-colonialiste d’Isabelle Arvers, en a juste ralenti le rythme. On…

Abstract machinima by Isabelle Arvers

Serie La Mer, abstract machinima by Isabelle Arvers

Série la Mer, abstract machinima by Isabelle Arvers In these videos, abstract forms and landscapes are elaborated where the random movement of certain objects such as the sea…

The game as a means of expression: tour Brazil

The game as a means of expression: tour Brazil, Design Arte Technologia Review, Université Anhembi Morumbi

My last article about the art and games relationship in Brazil as part of my Art + Games World Tour is out! Again, thank you so much Gilbertto…

Machinima Workshop AF Lagos Isabelle Arvers

Machinima / Game Art Workshop, Alliance Française Lagos, Nigeria, February 20

Alliance Française Lagos is happy to present “MACHINIMA/GAME ART WORKSHOP: Make movies with video games!”, a workshop presented by French art and games curator Isabelle Arvers. The workshop…

Isabelle Arvers Komitsu Fujihata

Au Japon pour un Tour du monde art et jeu vidéo, pour

Le vernis innovation du Japon est-il en train de craqueler ? Isabelle Arvers poursuit son tour du monde à la rencontre des dé indépendant.e.s. et artistes de pays…