Category: Exhibitions Page 2 of 4

Blue Mountain by Isabelle Arvers

Imaginaires Jeux, Pavillon Grapelli, 26 mai 2018 – 9 juin 2018

Pour cette exposition de machinimas (films conçus à partir de moteurs de jeux vidéo), Isabelle Arvers présente au Pavillon Grapelli, espace d’art contemporain de la ville de Niort…

nathalie magnan

TRANS//BORDER, Nathalie Magnan teachings MUCEM

Press review Dans le sillage de Nathalie Magnan Nathalie Magnan for ever Artists on the water, a history of pirate ships This event produced by Kareron directed by…

Art Games Demos Poster


Art Games Demos est une soirée imaginée par Isabelle Arvers et Chloé Desmoineaux, dédiée à l’exposition d’oeuvres vidéo et à la démonstration de jeux vidéo dans une ambiance…


[↗] MashUp: The Birth of Modern Culture, Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver. February 20 to June 12, 2016

Coder décoder la frontière exhibition view

Coding and decoding borders, Brussels

[↗] Coder et décoder les frontières présente des œuvres d’artistes et de chercheurs qui s’interrogent sur la mise en données et de la mathématisation des frontières.

Travel, Nicola Mai

Coding and decoding borders a new antiatlas exhibition

Commissaires : Isabelle Arvers et Nathalie Lévy The exhibition «Coding/Decoding the Borders» aims to represent the complex reality of border changes at the dawn of the 21st century….

Free Fall, Palle Torrson

Machinima selection at UCLA Game Art Festival

[↗] November 18th, The Hammer Museum. Curators: Eddo Stern, Isabelle Arvers, and Lee Tusman

8thSphere Bureau d'Etudes, la fin des cartes, exposition isabelle arvers

La Fin des Cartes ? Espace des Arts Sans Frontières, Paris, Novembre 2015

La Fin des Cartes ? Novembre 2015, Espace des Arts Sans Frontières, Paris La Fin des Cartes ? est un projet entre art et recherche, résolument interdisciplinaire, à…

La fin des Cartes ?

[↗] Espace des Arts sans Frontières, Paris, novembre 2015

Games Reflexions, Sorgues

[↗] Médiathèque de Sorgues, mai 2015

Machiniglitch, curator Isabelle Arvers

Machiniglitch, Toronto

[↗] Vector Art + Game Festival, Toronto, 2014. Machinima program curated by Isabelle Arvers

Webplayers, a webart exhibit for the PODFEST festival of digital poetry in Rio

This selection of websites is the state of the art of online creation and could be seen as an online answer to Abravana, the art movement initiated by…

Machinigirrlzzzz, a machinima exhibit inside the 10th edition of Gamerz

This year for its ten edition, Gamerz is absolutely cracking the maze! Super cool program and great artists, I love it. And I am so happy to be…

Evolution of gaming, a retrogaming exhibit curated by Isabelle Arvers in Vancouver, 2014

EVOLUTION of gaming a retrogaming exhibition at CDM in Vancouver

Photos by Dan Flemming I was invited by the Centre for Digital Media in Vancouver with the help of the French Cultural Institute to co-curate a retrogaming exhibition…

The Art of Bordering, MAXXI, Rome, 24 – 26 October 2014

MAXXI, the National Museum of XXI Century Arts The Art of Bordering: Economies, Performances and Technologies of Migration Control Download full program The Art of Bordering Photos: Myriam…

“Maps of the SECESSION” : politics and poetics of forms for the 21st century

A month-long exhibition at the Institut Français in Berlin in partnership with the antiAtlas of borders Copyright Photos: Mittel Europa Since January 2014, the European Society of Authors…

Games Reflexions, curator Isabelle Arvers

Games Reflexions game art retro & indie games exhibition

An exhibition curated by Isabelle Arvers with the help of Pierre Corbinais with the blog Oujevipo for the indie games part and of Benjamin Fouquoire in retrogaming. Are…