Category: Exhibition Page 5 of 6
The Studio 13/16 is a new art space dedicated to teenagers at the Pompidou Center, located at the level -1. This space juste opened few months ago and…
Bonlieu’s National Scene – Annecy, march 21-24 2007 Young digital swiss creation: animation, video and interactive installation
Web Plasticiens – Centre Pompidou, Paris, 15 December 2005 A monthly event focused on the new forms of creation and images, organised by Géraldine Gomez, Cinemas of Tomorrow…
Web Plasticiens – Centre Pompidou, Paris, May 2005 What aesthetic emerges from the game culture ? Fiction, aesthetic and video games. The filmmakers use the game as a…
Web Plasticiens – Centre Pompidou, Paris, April 2005 The VJing, live performance with images on music, is a discipline that combines very different practices. The Web Plasticians devote…
Hambourg, Germany, nov. 2004 Vjing and animation A night dedicated to french digitalcreation in its relationship to music and images with the artists : VJ Bowling club ?…
National State Library of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia, oct/nov 2004 Touring french Australian exhibition, part of Reactivate was exhibited during the Adelaide Film Festival, feb. 2005.
Curatorial statement Interviews of the artists Games, web and action Laxk of entertainment create monsters…
Turn around the Web – Paris, Centre Pompidou, 19 June 2003 Tour du monde du web, prochaine séance, jeudi 19 juin, 20h, cinéma 2 oZone, expérimentations numériques australiennes…
Turn around the Web – Centre Pompidou, Paris, feb. 2003 Artist invited in Paris : Vuk Cosic Netmeeting with the Kibla Center for new media in Maribor, Slovénie…