Category: Exhibition Page 1 of 6

Conseillère scientifique, Exposition “Sous le même ciel?”, Cube de Garges du 13 février au 26 juillet

Très heureuse de cette première collaboration en tant que consultante pour l’exposition art et jeu vidéo Sous le même ciel au Cube: Du 13 février au 26 juillet…

Affiche exposition Aux Futurs ancestraux Gantner curated by Isabelle Arvers

Aux Futurs Ancestraux, Espace Gantner, Belfort, 14 October 23 – 21 January 24

Espace Multimédia Gantner – Belfort – Opening on the 14th of October 2023 “When we say that the future is ancestral, it has more to do with DNA…


“Des Futurs ancestraux à la face cachée du metavers !”, article de Véronique Godé, Arts Hebdo Medias, Janvier 2023

Présentée du 25 Janvier au 12 Mars 2023 à la médiathèque Jean-Rousselot de Guyancourt, « Aux futurs ancestraux » est une exposition qui adopte une perspective décoloniale sur la création…

Infinitree a machinima by Mbaye Camara and Isabelle Arvers

Art & Games Exhibit: To ancestral futures, From ancestral knowledge to digital, from the 25th of January to the 12 march 2023, Guyancourt

To ancestral futures Télécharger la VF du catalogue de l’exposition Aux Futurs ancestraux The global games market is still dominated by Europe, the United States and Japan.The exhibition…

pest to power natasha tontey

Don’t liberate us we take care of it! Art & Games exhibit, The Overkill Festival, (NL) November 2020

I am really thrilled to present my last collaboration with The Overkill Festival in Enschede in Netherlands on a invitation of Marie Janin. This art, games, music and…

jibambe na tec exhibition arvers

Jibambe na Tec, VR and Gaming exhibit, French Alliance, Nairobi, Kenya, Nov 20

In November 2020, I joined forces with Amaze, the Nairobi Bus, the French Alliance and the Goethe Institute to organise Jibambe na Tec a series of VR and…

Digital Power Siggraph

The AGWT Podcasts in Digital Power, the online SIGGRAPH exhibition

I am super happy and honoured to be part of the exhibition Digital Power: Activism, advocacy and the influence of women online, curated by Kathy Rae Huffman, and…

Eglise vaudou du machinima

Enter the Machinima Vaudou Church! Lomé Togo July 2020

The day I became Azongnike, the Great Machinima Vaudou Priestess for the restitution of our machinima workshop with Togolese Storytellers. Such an amazing experience #artgamesworldtour #togo #yevi2.0 #african…

art games world tour africa arvers amaze

Art & Games World Tour Session AFRICA, AMAZE Total Digital, 2020

I am super happy to present 3 Art + Games World Tour sessions A MAZE. Total Digital 2020 To celebrate my 20 years as curator in the fields…

art games world tour amaze arvers latin america

Art & Games World Tour Session Latin America, AMAZE Total Digital, 2020

I am super happy to present 3 Art + Games World Tour sessions A MAZE. Total Digital 2020 To celebrate my 20 years as curator in the fields…

Art Games World tour updates and news!!!!

I have the great pleasure to share with you my latest news about my ongoing art and games world tour, focusing on female, queer, feminist and decolonial practices…

Art Games World Tour Game On

Art Games World Tour Exhibit Game On! Noviembro Elecronico, Buenos Aires, 2019

En #NoviembreElectrónico tendremos la visita de la curadora francesa de Isabelle Arvers, que celebrará sus 20 años en el ámbito del arte y del videojuego, y presentará Art…

Art Games World Tour at Overkill

Inter species imaginaries : Art Games World Tour exhibit at Overkill 2019

To celebrate her 20 years as curator in the fields of art and video games, Isabelle Arvers embarks on a world tour that takes her to over 15…

Tecnofeminismo Alianza Francesa de Bogota curadora Isabelle Arvers

Tecnofeminismo Exposición diseñada por Isabelle Arvers, Alianza Francesa de Bogota, 2019

La exposición “Tecnofeminismo”, que se llevará a cabo en la Alianza Francesa de Bogotá, es una de las etapas de la gira mundial de arte y videojuegos realizada…

Art Games Demos

ART GAMES DEMOS #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Games, Video, Animation & Machinima Program 2017 – 2019

Art Games Demos est une soirée imaginée par Isabelle Arvers et Chloé Desmoineaux, dédiée à l’exposition de créations touchant de près ou de loin à l’art vidéo, aux…

Portrait d'artiste Isabelle Arvers Turbulences Video n°104

Portrait d’artiste: Isabelle Arvers in Turbulences Video n°104

Lire Turbulences Video n° 104 Portrait d’artiste : Isabelle Arvers (p.36-37) Entretien avec Isabelle Arvers – Propos d’Isabelle Arvers, recueillis par Gabriel Soucheyre (p.38) Compte-rendu Résidence VIDEOFORMES –…


Games as lights and colors on canvas workshop, ACC, Gwangju, ISEA June 2019

ISEA 2019 Asian Culture Center Gwangju, South Korea, From 10am to 6pm at the Community Room 2 June 23 2019 This workshop is part of the first step…