Category: Artworks Page 1 of 4

eFA by the collective Techn’Orisha exhibited at NOW PLAY THIS, Sommerset House, London, April 24

eFA exhibited at Now Play This – A Festival of Experimental Game Design 6 – 14 April 2024 In 2024 Now Play This celebrates its first decade of…

eFa interactive installation by Technorisha Collective: Livia Diniz, Benjamin Abras, Bruno Creuzet, Michel Petris, Henri Tauliaut, M’vwâma Diop, Annabel Gueredrat, Isabelle Arvers, 2023

eFA du collectif Techn’Orisha by Benjamin Abras, Isabelle Arvers, Bruno Creuzet, Livia Diniz, M’vwâma Diop, Annabel Gueredrat, Michel Petris, Henri Tauliaut

e-Fa Dispositif Collectif (Efa DC), de Benjamin Abras – artiste pluridisciplinaire (Brésil), Isabelle Arvers -game artiste et curatrice (France), Bruno Creuzet – artiste plasticien (Martinique), Livia Diniz –…

Liquid Forest a machinima by isabelle arvers sound creation gael manangou

Liquid Forest, a machinima by Isabelle Arvers – Sound Creation by Gael Manangou, 10.56′, 2023

“Does the white man really not know that if he destroys the forest, the rain will stop? And that if the rain stops, he won’t have anything to…

La Puissance des arbres, un documentaire court par Isabelle Arvers, Livia Diniz et Bruno Qual, 2023

La Puissance des arbres d’Isabelle Arvers, Livia Diniz – directrice artistique, conceptrice, coordinatrice de projet (Brésil/France) et Bruno Qual – artiste sonore (Brésil), 2023 Film documentaire (15′) En…

“Partcours – Exposition et performance : Synergies autour du baobab”, article de Mame Woury, Le, 5 Décembre 22

Infinitree   Art numérique. “Le duo Mbaye Camara et Isabelle Arvers a installé un «jardin magique» dans un coin du centre. Sur cette œuvre, les deux artistes ont…

Infinitree & Magic Garden, par Mbaye Camara et Isabelle Arvers, GUY GI, Partcours 11, Dakar

Infinitree et Magic Garden par Mbaye Camara et Isabelle Arvers Création pour le Partcours 11 d’Art contemporain de Dakar au Centre Yennenga GUY GI, Une exposition conçue par…


Dans ces vidéos s’élaborent des formes et des paysages abstraits où le mouvement aléatoire de certains objets, comme la mer ou les vagues dans le moteur de jeu…

Mer violette parme & Mer orange rose, exhibited at Digital Landscape, Zug, CH, September 2022

Really happy to announce that my two abtract machinima part of the Serie La Mer – Mer Violette Parme and Mer Orange Violette are exhibited in : DIGITAL…

“Ce qui me manque”,exhibited at IROMEDIA, Téhéran, Iran, September, 2022

“Ce qui me manque” at Dayhim House of Culture / Teheran Ce qui me manque, is the fruit of a reflection on the future of the cinematographic genre…

Heroic Makers vs Heroic Land, Rijksmuseum Twenthe, Enschede, NL, 18 june-2 Oct 2022

In these hectic times, we are inundated with scenarios of the future, some of which are extremely positive, others extremely gloomy. With the exhibition SO FUTURE, we acknowledge this,…

Flyer Virtual Tree crea.sen eunic senegal

Restitution de la résidence crea.sen, Virtual tree, Centre Yennenga, Dakar 2 septembre 22

Restitution de la résidence crea.sen et présentation de Virtual Tree, un film qui mélange prises de vues réelles et animations conçues à partir d’un moteur de jeux vidéo,…

virtual tree voyage au coeur des baobabs trailer

Virtual tree making of a creasen residency in Dakar 2022

Virtual tree a creasen residency in Dakar 2022 In this residency restitution, we present the making of the film to explain the different phases of work. (3D modelling…

Trailer virtual tree isabelle arvers mbaye camara

Virtual tree, travel in the heart of baobabs, a creasen residency, 2022

Trailer Virtual Tree In Wolof, Garab means tree and medicine. The tree feeds us, heals us, shelters us and protects us. Present on this earth for thousands of…


Mer Rose Claire my abstract machinima featured in the BOOK: VRAL SEASON ONE Edited by Matteo Bittanti and Gemma Fantacci

Really happy to be part of the publication with my artwork Mer Rose Claire, Edited by Matteo Bittanti and Gemma Fantacci Release date: August 6 2021 Series: GAME…

mer rose claire by isabelle arvers

Mer rose claire exhibited at EXIS Festival in Seoul, Sept. 21

Really to annonce that my abstract machinima Mer Rose Claire is exhibited at EXIS 18th Experimental Film and Video Festival in Seoul, South Korea in the Now Choice…

Painting at the river in Guadeloupe, summer 2021

Painting the river at the river on a big rock

Isabelle arvers paints on coco trees at the slave steps in petit canal Guadeloupe

Guadeloupe paintings at the Slave steps in Petit Canal, summer 2021

Painting at the Slave steps where the banian tree took over the space and the former detention camp