Category: Art and Games World Tour Page 4 of 6

art games world tour amaze arvers latin america

Art & Games World Tour Session Latin America, AMAZE Total Digital, 2020

I am super happy to present 3 Art + Games World Tour sessions A MAZE. Total Digital 2020 To celebrate my 20 years as curator in the fields…

Art games world tour amaze asia arvers

Art & Games World Tour Session ASIA, AMAZE Total Digital, 2020

I am super happy to present 3 Art + Games World Tour sessions A MAZE. Total Digital 2020 To celebrate my 20 years as curator in the fields…

Tour du monde art et jeu vidéo au brésil d'isabelle arvers

La scène art et jeu vidéo queer, féministe et décoloniale au Brésil pour Poptronics

C’est reparti ! La pandémie n’a pas interrompu le tour du monde du jeu vidéo queer, indé et post-colonialiste d’Isabelle Arvers, en a juste ralenti le rythme. On…

Pest to power Natasha Tontey

AGWT Podcast ep.4, Natasha Tontey at ArtJog in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

It is on the occasion of the Artjog contemporary art fair in Yogyakarta that I meet Natasha Tontey. Her latest work, Pest to Power, refers to the manifesto…

"Walk with me", an artistic walking performance by Wei Hsinyen in Taipei, Taiwan

AGWT Podcasts Ep. 3 : “Walk with me”, a performance by Wei Hsinyen in Taipei, Taiwan

“Walk with Me” is a participatory work produced by Wei Hsinyen. The work is an experiment in discovering the scenic form of Taipei. The artist walks one-on-one with…

Queer Archives Seoul

AGWT Podcasts Ep.2 : Ruin, The Queer Archives, Seoul

Ruin, is a Transwoman and she is a PHD student in Gender and Trans identities. She is the co-founder of the Queer Archives in the Korea Queer…

Jang Ying and Isabelle Arvers at ISEA 2019

AGWT Podcast Ep. 1: Yang Jing, game curator and columnist, based in Hong Kong

To celebrate my 20 years as curator in the fields of art and video games, I embarked in June 2019 on a Art & Games World Tour that…

Painting my first murals in Lomé March 2020

While I was in Lomé, LGC graffiti collective got invited by Ras Sankara to paint murals for a non profit social and cultural organisation AVST. I join forces…

The game as a means of expression: tour Brazil

The game as a means of expression: tour Brazil, Design Arte Technologia Review, Université Anhembi Morumbi

My last article about the art and games relationship in Brazil as part of my Art + Games World Tour is out! Again, thank you so much Gilbertto…

Machinima Workshop AF Lagos Isabelle Arvers

Machinima / Game Art Workshop, Alliance Française Lagos, Nigeria, February 20

Alliance Française Lagos is happy to present “MACHINIMA/GAME ART WORKSHOP: Make movies with video games!”, a workshop presented by French art and games curator Isabelle Arvers. The workshop…

On the other

Tour du monde art et jeu vidéo au Japon pour Immersion

La scène du jeu vidéo indépendant au Japon d’Osaka à Kyoto jusqu’à Tokyo!! Des contrôleurs alternatifs aux jeux super originaux, une création indépendante timide mais réjouissante et aussi…

Isabelle Arvers Komitsu Fujihata

Au Japon pour un Tour du monde art et jeu vidéo, pour

Le vernis innovation du Japon est-il en train de craqueler ? Isabelle Arvers poursuit son tour du monde à la rencontre des dé indépendant.e.s. et artistes de pays…

Neverland Samak Kohsen

« Queer muslims in Thailand » Interview de Samak Kohsen pour Usbek & Rica

Rencontre avec Samak Kosem, qui mène un travail « anthropologico-artistique » sur l’homosexualité et l’identité queer dans les provinces musulmanes du sud du pays.

O game como meio de expressao Isabelle Arvers

Lecture : Games as a mean of expression by Isabelle Arvers at the Design and Technology seminar, Sao Paolo

Gilbertto Prado invited me to give a lecture about Games as a means of expression inside the Seminário de Pesquisadores em Design at the University Anhembi Morumbi. I…

Laser Talk Gamejay performance with Tania Fraga & Roger Marzochi, Sao Paulo, December 2019

  Laser talks organized by Tania Fraga with a game Jay performance by Isabelle Arvers mixing games loops with real time brain waves captures Isabelle Arvers mixes live…

Tropical play performance

Tropical Play performance // I am a VJ with Los Pat Moritas, Buenos Aires, Nov. 2019

As part of November Digital organised by the French Institute Argentina at El Cultural San Martin, Isabelle Arvers, VJ, artist and art and games curator and Los Pat…

Roger Fils Studio

A Bangkok pour le tour du monde art et jeu vidéo, par Isabelle Arvers pour Poptronics

Quatrième étape du tour du monde d’Isabelle Arvers à Bangkok, qui fait l’impasse sur le pays du tourisme globalisé pour débusquer la pensée thaï et une création émergente…