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Game-art/machinima workshops : presentation (pdf)
More videos and machinimas :
My YouTube channel
Machinimas workshops presentation
> read the educational brochure (pdf), exerpt from Education à l’image 2.0, Enjeux, concepts, outils, proposition pédagogiques (pdf), by Benoît Labourdette
The Machinimas are films made with game engines. Video games thus become a medium for storytelling.
Appeared at the beginning of our millennium, Machinimas now have their festivals dedicated and numerous digital film festivals and directing short films *have devoted a section to this art.
They are designed for the young generations by their content and visual codes, because video games are a medium they know and master. It is therefore interesting to get them to use game engines for writing and directing short movies.
Videoconference about machinimas for the Merz Academie:
MachinigirrlzzzzFestival Gamerz 10, ARCADE, Aix-en-Provence, 2014
Machiniglitch, Festival Gamerz 9, ARCADE, Aix-en-Provence, 2013
“Identity, otherness, games & machinima”, Festival Gamerz 8, ARCADE, Aix en Provence, 2012
“When machinima talk about video games and when games reflect reality”, Gamerz 7, ARCADE, Aix en Provence, 2011
Maison Populaire, Montreuil, 2011
Gamerz 6, ARCADE, Aix-en-Provence, 2010
Gamerz 05, ARCADE, Aix en Provence, 2009
Gameplay, Itau Cultural, Sao Paulo & Mostravideo, Belo Horizonte, Brasil, aug 2009
Symposium Imagine the Future, Neuchatel, 2 jully 09
Récréations, Scène Numérique, Aix-en-Provence, 12 feb 2009
Ciant, Cinema Svetnor, Prague, february 2007
Animation Film Festival Annecy, june 2007
Flash Festival, Centre Pompidou, Paris, 2006 – 2007 – 2008
Némo Festival, Regional cultural action in Ile de France, Espace Cartier, Paris, april 2006
“Machinima : histoire et enjeux esthétiques” – ESAD Orléans
Video of the conference here
“How to return to scriptwriting through machinimas” -Remediate, a symposium at the Merz Academie in Germany
Video of the conference here
A machinima is a film made from the recording of audiovisual sequences, produced during video game play.
The workshops aim to transform an object of mass consumption and entertainment in a means of film production and expression.
Depending on the venue and the type of workshop, the workshops are run by Isabelle Arvers and machnima directors.
Each step of the workshop can enable everyone to fit into a creative process: writing dialogue and scenes, set design, characters, direction of virtual actors, video editing, sound mixing and put online film made on a video platform.
Set designed by the young organizers of the festival “Grain à démoudre”, Le Havre, 2011
A machinima is a film made from the recording of audiovisual sequences, produced during video game play. These playing sequences are captured in real time through a external (or in-game) video capture software. Then audiovisual sequences obtained are then assembled using a video editing software.
To facilitate workshops in all circumstances, we use, most of the time, a software dedicated to the machinima design as Moviestorm or Muvizu.
So even in very short workshops in duration (3 minimum hours), it is possible to conceive, shoot, edit and distribute a short film.

Be machinimased, Le Havre, 2011
– Discovery of machinima history, screening of film clips and explanation of technicals used for making each film.
– Introduction to screenplay and dialogues writing.
– Set Design and characters.
– Direction of the virtual actors actions, movements, and dialogues recording.
– Design of camera movements.
– Editing of footage shots, sound and music integration.
– Rending of film and upload on a video platform.
Educational objectives
– Public awareness on educational aspects of media: video game, image, video, sound, editing.
– Assimilate, integrate a tool (video game) in favor of an innovative cultural production.
– Educating young people in technical writing, reading, production and editing.
– Working on a playful reappropriation of the first cultural object: the video game.
– Working in a group for a better perception of collective life, relationships with others.
– Uniting the forces and individual potential around a common path.
Machinima Workshop at Strasbourg / Isabelle Arvers – Allutt from The Movies website
Ososphère’s workshop, september 28, 2010 (Duration: 3:00)
Machinima Workshop in Lyon / Isabelle Arvers – Benjamin Nuel – PJ Vargas, David Vannier
Organised in partnership with the Epicerie moderne at Feyzin middle school, series of workshops from November 2010 to April 2011
Watch the back stage of the workshop :
Machinima Workshop in Strasbourg / Isabelle Arvers – Allutt from The Movies website
Ososphère’s wokshop, From 8 to 10 decembre 2010 (Duration: 7:00)
Inside the exhibit «Play it yourself» at Studio 13/16 of Pompidou center
Isabelle Arvers, Emmanuel Mayoud – 15 and January 16, 2011 from 14h to 18h Centre on Level -1
Inside the Game Heroes exhibition, Alcazar library
Isabelle Arvers, Emmanuel Mayoud – Marseille, On Friday 11 and Saturday, March 12, 2011 : 15h-18h
MJC Caudebec ou Caux et MJC Fécamps, with Passeurs d’images
20-21 April 2011
Festival “Grain à démoudre”
Le Havre, 22-23 April 2011
Games Show Go Play One
Hyères, 2 & 3 june 2011
Facebook Page of Go PLay One
Open Crea PRIMI, workshop for professionnals
Marseille, June 2011
Presentation (in french)
Read post
Machinima workshop, Superior Art School of Cambrai
5, 6, 7 february 2012
French presentation ; English presentation
13 videos on Youtube
Machinima Workshop, Théâtre Toulon Liberté
31st March & 1st April 2012, all day long!
Théâtre Liberté
Machinima workshop, Stereolux
Nantes, from 10 to 19 April 2012, from 10am to 12’30 and from 2 to 5pm
Stereolux website
Read the article in french about this workshop : Le jour où j’ai vu des ados machinimer
Machinima workshop + Do it your games workshop, Go Play One
Hyères, 2 & 3 june 2012
Go PLay One Facebook page
Machinima Workshop, with Emmanuel Mayoud, MASH UP FILM FESTIVAL, Forum des Images
Paris, 22, 23 & 24 June 2012
MashUpFilm Festival
Videos of the workshop
Machinima Workshop, la maison des Métallos
Game Camp and machinima workshop with Emmanuel Mayoud at la Maison des métallos.
Read the article about this workshop : Game Camp, Machinima workshop and digital café at la Maison des métallos, 8th January 2013
Machinima workshop during the Digital Art Festival, in Bron
“Déjoue le jeu” website
7, 8, 9 February 2013
Machinima workshop in Beauvais
25 Feb. to 1rst March 2013
Machinima workshop with Clyde Chabot & Sébastien Rousset – Plaine St Denis
Dialog with your virtual double – January to April 2013
7 videos on Youtube
Workshop Fabalab with Design the future now – Martigues
5-6 April 2013
Machinima workshop – BPI Centre Pompidou
4 and 5 May, during the week Press Start, dedicated to video games
Machinima workshop Web Visions, Barcelona
27 june 2013, a workshop with professionels of web design, user interface and interactive design
Atelier machinima, Obsin, Arles
24 october 2013, a workshop with thes students of ESAix, IUT of Arles and with some social and cultural mediators.
Machinima workshop and Lecture at LEVEL ART, Agora, Wroclaw
From 13 to 15 november 2013
4 videos on Youtube
Machinima workshop on borders and immigration – la compagnie, Marseille
du 25 fevrier au 1er mars 2014
5 videos sur Youtube
Machinima worshop at Play14
Hamburg, 18 – 19 september 2014
Worshop for teenagers during the Play14 festival
Ateliers Machinima pour enfants – Enghien les Bains et Arles
CDA d’Enghien les bains, le 28/09, dans le cadre des Récrés artistiques
Arles, dans le cadre du festival
Atelier au Centre social d’Oyonnay
atelier pour adolescents sur le thème de la sécurité routière – 21 au 23 oct. 2014
Atelier à la Casemate à Grenoble
adolescents et étudiants – du 29 au 31 oct.2014
Numérikids, ZINC Friche la Belle de Mai, Marseille
atelier pour enfants de 8 à 10 ans – 26 novembre
Haute École des Arts du Rhin, Mulhouse
8 étudiants en design graphique – 26 au 29 janvier 2015
Game art and Machinima workshops and lectures marathon in Egypt with Ahmed el Shaer
Centre d’art de Fayoum, 6 participants – 3 jours, fév. 2015 | Faculté des Beaux arts du Caire, 12 participants – 1 jour, fév. 2015 | Faculté des Beaux arts d’Alexandrie, 8 participants – 1 jour, fév. 2015 | L’Atelier, Alexandrie, 10 participants – 1 jour, fév. 2015
La Compagnie, lieu de création à Marseille
du 2 au 6 mars
Ecole des Beaux Arts de Paris
du 18 au 20 mars – 4 vidéos sur Youtube
Festival Exit 2015, Maison des Arts de Créteil
du 26 au 28 mars
Biennale Siana – Cinoches de Ris Orangis
20, 21 avril
Pôle Image Picardie ACAP, Amiens
10 adolescents – 28 avril
Haute Ecole d’Art et de Design, Genève
29 et 30 avril
Rencontres de l’Orme, Marseille, animation d’un stand de démonstration et d’ateliers
20 et 21 mai
Dans le cadre du festival des Arts Numériques Trace(s) à Bagnols sur Cèze
27 mai
Résidence dans le cadre du programme Rural.scapes au Brésil
ateliers et création du 10 au 25 juin
Bari, Italie, dans le cadre de Cinemobile
juillet 2015
Centre for Digital Media, Vancouver
août 2015
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