Category: Ateliers/workshops Page 5 of 5

Atelier Machinima : Interview by Axelle Benaich 4

Les ateliers machinima par Isabelle Arvers sur le petit média de Design The Future Now: présenter des projets innovants de façon simple! Revenir à l’écriture par le…

Workshop on gamification & advergames at Tunis 2.0

  Tunis 2.0, 30 sept – 1st oct. 2011, Africa Hotel, Tunis As I participated to Marseille 2.0 in 2010, I got in touch with Philippe Français who…

Year of personnal convergence : game art / web marketing / online archives publishing

  This video documents an open crea workshop organized by Design the Future Now. I gave a conference about advergames & gamification and then people from communication, serious…

Game Heroes, a playable exhibit

Game Heroes is a playable exhibit I just curated for the Library Alcazar, downtown in the center of Marseille. For this second retrogaming show – Playtime, my first…

WJ-S : using the web as a never ending resource for performances, conferences, augmented exhibitions, parties.

WJ-S is a project created by Anne Roquigny and developed by Stéphane Kyles. Anne Roquigny is a media art curator who sees the web as a space for…

Machinima workshop at the Studio 13/16 at the Pompidou Center

The Studio 13/16 is a new art space dedicated to teenagers at the Pompidou Center, located at the level -1. This space juste opened few months ago and…

Interviewed by Mathias Jannson, for the gamescenes blog

Game Art: Isabelle Arvers on the French Game Art scene GameScenes is conducting a series of interviews with artists, critics, curators, gallery owners operating in the field of…

Machinima workshop by Isabelle Arvers, Strasbourg 28-09/1-10 2010

machinima workshop in strasbourg