Category: videos Page 2 of 2

Eternal Parade, Carnaval Digital 2020

Vaudou Trans & Eternal Parade in Togo @ Carnavaldigital2020,

CARNAVAL DIGITAL 2020 is a six point star collaboration of specialists in anthropology on masks and rituals, artists, a specialist in carnivals around the world, a 2 very…

Abstract machinima by Isabelle Arvers

Serie La Mer, abstract machinima by Isabelle Arvers

Série la Mer, abstract machinima by Isabelle Arvers In these videos, abstract forms and landscapes are elaborated where the random movement of certain objects such as the sea…

Sorcières video animation par Isabelle Arvers

Résidence d’artiste longue durée Nouvelle Aquitaine

En 2018, j’ai été invitée par David Audouit du service culturel de la mairie de Niort à concevoir une exposition de machinimas, films conçus à partir de moteurs…

Sorcières, a video animation by Isabelle Arvers, 2019

What is a witch today? Mix of 3D animation (Iclone7) and sounds and videos from the march poitevin, created in the frame of an artistic residency in Melle,…

ce qui me manque isabelle arvers

Ce qui me manque, machinima installation, Videoformes, 2019

Press review Artshebdomedias Vidéoformes TV by KINIC Video Turbulences March 15 > 30 | Z∆ 0UΠ΄  |  38 rue du Port Free access  1 pm > 7 pm (Tuesday > Saturday)  2 pm >…

Abstract machinima by Isabelle Arvers


A nice shortpost by Matteo Bittanti on about my new machinima serie: La Mer (2019)

Heroic Makers vs Heroic Land, Isabelle Arvers

Heroic Makers vs Heroic Land a machinima doc by Isabelle Arvers, 2016

Heroic Makers vs Heroic Land, by Isabelle Arvers in the Calais jungle “Heroic makers vs Heroic land”, a machinima doc in the refugee’s camp of Calais These interviews…

Blue Mountain by Isabelle Arvers

“Cross by”, hybrid project between machinima and piano

The very close link between image and music is designed to create an immersive and contemplative experience in a hybrid form of a virtual space to be inhabited…

Bazin, entre danse et machinima

This collaboration with the dancer and choreographer Tidiani N’Diaye comes at a moment of my reflection on the machinimas where I think that their future does not lie…

Abstract machinima, Ruralscapes residency, 2015

In 2015, I was invited to my first artistic residency in Brazil by Ruralscapes at Santa Tereza Fazenda, a wunderful place with amazing people where I stayed 2…