Author: iarvers Page 5 of 15

Digital Power Siggraph

The AGWT Podcasts in Digital Power, the online SIGGRAPH exhibition

I am super happy and honoured to be part of the exhibition Digital Power: Activism, advocacy and the influence of women online, curated by Kathy Rae Huffman, and…

Virtual storytelling workshops / ateliers contes virtuels, Lomé, Togo, July 2020

Festival Miségli: virtual storytelling workshops As part of the 2020 edition of the Miségli festival, entirely digital, discover the fruit of the collaboration of the Togolese storytellers and…

Eglise vaudou du machinima

Enter the Machinima Vaudou Church! Lomé Togo July 2020

The day I became Azongnike, the Great Machinima Vaudou Priestess for the restitution of our machinima workshop with Togolese Storytellers. Such an amazing experience #artgamesworldtour #togo #yevi2.0 #african…

Makery Togo Arvers

Un tour du monde en pause au Togo : Lomé+, exposition digitale

Depuis un an Isabelle Arvers est engagée dans un tour du monde à la rencontre des pratiques de femmes, féministes, queer et décoloniales dans le domaine du jeu…

Lomé paintings, Togo, 2020

I was in Ghana for my Art & Games World Tour, interviewing artists, curators and game makers, when the borders started to close in March 2020. I was supposed…

Djé Aye, Art to Raise Awareness about Covid 19 on murals in Lomé, Togo

The project “Djé-Ayé, Art to Raise Awareness” was conceived during the month of April 2020 in response to the crisis of COVID 19 in order to prevent the…

Eternal Parade, Carnaval Digital 2020

Vaudou Trans & Eternal Parade in Togo @ Carnavaldigital2020,

CARNAVAL DIGITAL 2020 is a six point star collaboration of specialists in anthropology on masks and rituals, artists, a specialist in carnivals around the world, a 2 very…

art games world tour africa arvers amaze

Art & Games World Tour Session AFRICA, AMAZE Total Digital, 2020

I am super happy to present 3 Art + Games World Tour sessions A MAZE. Total Digital 2020 To celebrate my 20 years as curator in the fields…

art games world tour amaze arvers latin america

Art & Games World Tour Session Latin America, AMAZE Total Digital, 2020

I am super happy to present 3 Art + Games World Tour sessions A MAZE. Total Digital 2020 To celebrate my 20 years as curator in the fields…

Art games world tour amaze asia arvers

Art & Games World Tour Session ASIA, AMAZE Total Digital, 2020

I am super happy to present 3 Art + Games World Tour sessions A MAZE. Total Digital 2020 To celebrate my 20 years as curator in the fields…

Tour du monde art et jeu vidéo au brésil d'isabelle arvers

La scène art et jeu vidéo queer, féministe et décoloniale au Brésil pour Poptronics

C’est reparti ! La pandémie n’a pas interrompu le tour du monde du jeu vidéo queer, indé et post-colonialiste d’Isabelle Arvers, en a juste ralenti le rythme. On…

Pest to power Natasha Tontey

AGWT Podcast ep.4, Natasha Tontey at ArtJog in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

It is on the occasion of the Artjog contemporary art fair in Yogyakarta that I meet Natasha Tontey. Her latest work, Pest to Power, refers to the manifesto…

Who I am and where do I talk from?

Who I am and where do I talk from ? I was born in Paris in 1972. My father was an electro mechanician engineer and my mother a former…

"Walk with me", an artistic walking performance by Wei Hsinyen in Taipei, Taiwan

AGWT Podcasts Ep. 3 : “Walk with me”, a performance by Wei Hsinyen in Taipei, Taiwan

“Walk with Me” is a participatory work produced by Wei Hsinyen. The work is an experiment in discovering the scenic form of Taipei. The artist walks one-on-one with…

Queer Archives Seoul

AGWT Podcasts Ep.2 : Ruin, The Queer Archives, Seoul

Ruin, is a Transwoman and she is a PHD student in Gender and Trans identities. She is the co-founder of the Queer Archives in the Korea Queer…

Jang Ying and Isabelle Arvers at ISEA 2019

AGWT Podcast Ep. 1: Yang Jing, game curator and columnist, based in Hong Kong

To celebrate my 20 years as curator in the fields of art and video games, I embarked in June 2019 on a Art & Games World Tour that…

Abstract machinima by Isabelle Arvers

Serie La Mer, abstract machinima by Isabelle Arvers

Série la Mer, abstract machinima by Isabelle Arvers In these videos, abstract forms and landscapes are elaborated where the random movement of certain objects such as the sea…