Author: iarvers Page 2 of 15

eFa interactive installation by Technorisha Collective: Livia Diniz, Benjamin Abras, Bruno Creuzet, Michel Petris, Henri Tauliaut, M’vwâma Diop, Annabel Gueredrat, Isabelle Arvers, 2023

eFA du collectif Techn’Orisha by Benjamin Abras, Isabelle Arvers, Bruno Creuzet, Livia Diniz, M’vwâma Diop, Annabel Gueredrat, Michel Petris, Henri Tauliaut

e-Fa Dispositif Collectif (Efa DC), de Benjamin Abras – artiste pluridisciplinaire (Brésil), Isabelle Arvers -game artiste et curatrice (France), Bruno Creuzet – artiste plasticien (Martinique), Livia Diniz –…

Liquid Forest a machinima by isabelle arvers sound creation gael manangou

Liquid Forest, a machinima by Isabelle Arvers – Sound Creation by Gael Manangou, 10.56′, 2023

“Does the white man really not know that if he destroys the forest, the rain will stop? And that if the rain stops, he won’t have anything to…

Diversity and inclusion in video games With Isabelle Arvers, Curator Art and Video Game - Kareron

Diversity and inclusion in video games, a talk given at Octobre Numérique, Faire Monde Festival, 6 October 22, Arles

Diversity and inclusion in video games With Isabelle Arvers, Curator Art and Video Game – Kareron Octobre Numérique – Faire Monde Festival 6.10.2022 (Arles, FR) __ Isabelle Arvers…

Metatavers Image DALL·E 2 - OpenA

Participation à la table ronde “La face cachée du métavers”, animée par Xavier de La Porte, Forum des Images, 26 Janvier 2023

JEU 26 JANVIER 2023 À 18:30 La face cachée du métavers Mondes parallèles. Table ronde. Animée par Xavier de La Porte, journaliste. Avec Stella Jacob, consultante metavers, et…

sound recording machinima workshop if casa arvers

Decolonizing the imaginary through the tactical use of Machinima workshops in Tetouan Art Institute and IF Casablanca, Novembre 2022

The French Institute in Rabat, Morocco, invited Isabelle Arvers for a new step of the Art and Games World Tour from the 31st of October to the 19th…

Art Games Demos Maroc

Art Games Demos Edition spéciale Maroc, Institut Français de Rabat,17th of November 2022

Art Games Demos is an event dedicated to the exhibition of video works and the demonstration of video games. Invited by the French Institute of Rabat for a…

The digital, a vector of equality?

The digital, a vector of equality?, webinar with Gayatri Kodikal, IFIndia, 14th of Nov 22

The French Institute in India is inviting The French digital designer Isabelle Arvers and the Indian artist Gayatri Kodikal to have a conversation on the theme – The…

conference isabelle arvers meknes

Art & Games World Tour in Morocco, 31 October 19 November 2022

The French Institute in Rabat, Morocco, is inviting Isabelle Arvers and Mbaye Camara for a new step of the Art and Games World from the 31st of October…

flyer guy gi centre yennenga

Guy Gi, une exposition par Altdel et Fama Ndiaye, Centre YENNENGA, 03 au 12 Décembre 2022

Guy Gi une exposition co-conçue par alt-del et Fama Ndiaye pour le Centre Yennenga, Dakar A l’occasion du @Partcours #11, le Centre Yennenga et AltDel vous invitent à…

Playing with the (Im)possible

Decolonizing the imaginary through the tactical us of machinima, online talk at Merz Academie, 9th Nov 22

I was invited to give an online talk “Decolonizing the imaginary through the tactical us of machinima” at Merz Academie, in the frame of Playing with the (Im)possible…


Perspective-s supports the Art & Games World Tour in 2022-23!!

We are very pleased to announce the support of Perspective-s to the Art & Games World Tour ! Perspective[s], is an innovative company (jei), expert in virtual reality,…

Formation à l’animation d’ateliers machinima, Festival Press Start, BPI, Paris, 30 Septembre 2022

Le 30 Septembre, je donnerai une formation à l’animation d’ateliers Machinima à des bibliothécaires dans le cadre de JEU VIDÉO ET CINÉMA – Festival Press Star, Du 28…

expended, animation, arselectronica

Talk “Re-occupy the digital space”, Expanded Animation Symposium, Ars Electronica Center, Linz, Austria, 9-11 Sept. 2022

For its tenth edition of the Expanded Animation Symposium, organized by the Hagenberg Campus of the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria and Ars Electronica, invited Isabelle Arvers…

Flyer Virtual Tree crea.sen eunic senegal

Restitution de la résidence crea.sen, Virtual tree, Centre Yennenga, Dakar 2 septembre 22

Restitution de la résidence crea.sen et présentation de Virtual Tree, un film qui mélange prises de vues réelles et animations conçues à partir d’un moteur de jeux vidéo,…

virtual tree voyage au coeur des baobabs trailer

Virtual tree making of a creasen residency in Dakar 2022

Virtual tree a creasen residency in Dakar 2022 In this residency restitution, we present the making of the film to explain the different phases of work. (3D modelling…

Trailer virtual tree isabelle arvers mbaye camara

Virtual tree, travel in the heart of baobabs, a creasen residency, 2022

Trailer Virtual Tree In Wolof, Garab means tree and medicine. The tree feeds us, heals us, shelters us and protects us. Present on this earth for thousands of…

Atelier jeux sensibles école des vivants

Atelier Jeux Sensibles, Ecole des Vivants, Les Rayes, du 8 au 12 Juillet 2022

Qui anime ? Charles Ayats– Game Designer Franck Weber – Sound designer Isabelle Arvers – Artiste Raoul Barbet – Réalisateur (sous réserve) Marie Blondiaux – Creative Producer avec…