Author: iarvers Page 11 of 15

Game conference at Carre d’Art, Nîmes, dec 14

In December I gave a conference at le Carré d’Art in Nîmes, about games and digital creation as facilitator tools in libraries. The funny thing is that the…

Gilbert, atelier machinima à Grenoble

Machinima et littérature, la Casemate, nov 14

En octobre 2014, j’ai été invitée par la Casemate à Grenoble à donner un atelier machinima pendant trois jours. Les participants étaient âgés entre 14 et 24 ans….

Atelier machinima pour enfants

  Le 28 septembre dernier j’ai été invitée à animer un atelier machinima au CDA d’Enghien les bains dans le cadre des Récrés artistiques. Ces récrés sont destinées…

Webplayers, a webart exhibit for the PODFEST festival of digital poetry in Rio

This selection of websites is the state of the art of online creation and could be seen as an online answer to Abravana, the art movement initiated by…

Machinigirrlzzzz, a machinima exhibit inside the 10th edition of Gamerz

This year for its ten edition, Gamerz is absolutely cracking the maze! Super cool program and great artists, I love it. And I am so happy to be…

Machinima workshop at Play 14, Hamburg, 18 – 19 september 2014

I am more than delighted to be invited by Play 14 festival to give a two days workshop of machinima to teenagers. We will mainly use the video…

performance WJ antiAtlas by Isabelle Arvers

Conference/performance on the antiAtlas of borders at Le Lab, Google Cultural Institute, Paris

Decalab invites me to present a conference/performance on the antiAtlas of borders at the Lab of the cultural institute of Google in Paris. I end the art and…

Margaret Minsky’s performance/lecture on haptics at Centre for Digital Media

The Centre for Digital Media based in Vancouver is definitively an amazing place with amazing people, the pedagogy of the Master is absolutely great and has so much…

Evolution of gaming, a retrogaming exhibit curated by Isabelle Arvers in Vancouver, 2014

EVOLUTION of gaming a retrogaming exhibition at CDM in Vancouver

Photos by Dan Flemming I was invited by the Centre for Digital Media in Vancouver with the help of the French Cultural Institute to co-curate a retrogaming exhibition…

The Art of Bordering, MAXXI, Rome, 24 – 26 October 2014

MAXXI, the National Museum of XXI Century Arts The Art of Bordering: Economies, Performances and Technologies of Migration Control Download full program The Art of Bordering Photos: Myriam…

UKI enter the BioNet, Shu Lea Cheang

UKI – Enter the BioNet

We are infected We are the Virus We enter in the Bionet The Imaginarium, in partnership with Pictanovo presents UKI – Enter the Bionet by Shulea Cheang on…

Formation jeu vidéo et bibliothèque au Carré d’art

En 2015, le Carré d’art à Nîmes ouvrira un espace dédié aux jeux vidéo. C’est dans ce cadre que j’ai été conviée par Jean Pascal Marron, responsable du…


In may : launch of Kareron & participation to Stunfest Mapping festivals

Some news for the following month! First, I am launching a new structure: Kareron. It is a non profit organization that aims to promote, diffuse and produce artworks…

Machinima workshop on borders and immigration

Next week, I will host a machinima workshop with the egyptian artist Ahmed El Shaer at la compagnie, in the frame of the exhibition the antiAtlas of borders…

Machiniglitch, contemporary art and machinima

This year, Canada becomes my favorite destination as I will be in Vancouver next summer to curate the retro and indie games show Evolution with Malcolm Levy and…

Machinima, Creation and Networks

Last year, I began to teach at la Sorbonne a course dedicated to Creation and networks for the Master Digital Creation, under the direction of Françoise Parfait. The…

Games Reflexions, curator Isabelle Arvers

Games Reflexions game art retro & indie games exhibition

An exhibition curated by Isabelle Arvers with the help of Pierre Corbinais with the blog Oujevipo for the indie games part and of Benjamin Fouquoire in retrogaming. Are…