Heroic Makers vs Heroic Land, by Isabelle Arvers in the Calais jungle “Heroic makers vs Heroic land”, a machinima doc in the refugee’s camp of Calais These interviews…
Art Games Demos est une soirée imaginée par Isabelle Arvers et Chloé Desmoineaux, dédiée à l’exposition d’oeuvres vidéo et à la démonstration de jeux vidéo dans une ambiance…
Games as colors on canvas French curator and artist Isabelle Arvers will be visiting the UCLA Game Lab for a 2 day hands-on Machinima workshop. WHEN Monday, November…
De retour d’une formation à l’animation d’ateliers machinimas à la BDP de Dordogne, j’ai été ravie des rendus proposés par les participants à cette formation. Celle-ci s’est déroulée…
Cette année, j’ai passé 4 mois à Dunkerque en résidence mission dans le cadre du CLEA (Contrat Local d’Education Artistique). Pendant 4 mois, j’ai habité dans un gîte…
Commissaires : Isabelle Arvers et Nathalie Lévy The exhibition «Coding/Decoding the Borders» aims to represent the complex reality of border changes at the dawn of the 21st century….
The French government wants to dismantle the Calais jungle. Will the volunteer-run Chemin des Dunes school, opened on February 6, be spared? I am currently working on a…
Long time since I haven’t posted anything as last year we launched Kareron to distribute exhibitions, artists (Shulea Cheang, Nicola Mai &…) as well as other exhibitions: Kareron…
La Fin des Cartes ? Novembre 2015, Espace des Arts Sans Frontières, Paris La Fin des Cartes ? est un projet entre art et recherche, résolument interdisciplinaire, à…
“Rural.Scapes, a rural lab for artists, cows and chicken in Brazil” Originally Published 22 June 2015 by Isabelle Arvers in makery.com Rural.Scapes is a farm in Brazil…
This collaboration with the dancer and choreographer Tidiani N’Diaye comes at a moment of my reflection on the machinimas where I think that their future does not lie…
This is a machinima recording of some contemplative videogames I did for my participation to the amazing festival Stunfest in Rennes screened during a debate related to contemplation…
During a machinima screening curated for the Mostravideo in Belo Horizonte in 2009, someone in the audience asked me if there were a specific machinima narrative or if…
In 2015, I was invited to my first artistic residency in Brazil by Ruralscapes at Santa Tereza Fazenda, a wunderful place with amazing people where I stayed 2…
Last year, I invited Ahmed El Shaer at la compagnie, a creation center in Marseille, to conduct with me a machinima workshop on borders and migration. He is…
In january, Bertrand Lemonnier invited me to give a machinima workshop at the Art School HEAR in Mulhouse. We were 11 artists to give workshops in narration, modeling,…
Since 2012, I’ve been teaching a “Creation and networks” course at la Sorbonne in a Digital Art and Creation Master. Every year, I am quite impressed by the…