This research seminar will discuss the way security and technological escalation have impacted State borders over the last 20 years. It will implement a trans-disciplinary perspective by bringing together human scientists (historians, sociologists, anthropologists, geographers, philosophers, political scientists), hard scientists (artificial intelligence, computer sciences) and artists (webart, hypermedia).


Affiche : Myriam Boyer

In the first workshop, the speakers will discuss the increasingly sophisticated technologies (robots, drones, biometry, technosciences) deployed nowadays along State borders as well as within and beyond these spaces. The socio-historical perspective adopted within the second workshop will help better grasp the processes within which this technological escalation is embedded.

Finally, the third workshop will present two trans-disciplinary works discussing the pervasive and diffuse character of border controls. Between biographies and codes, borders pervade human bodies and flows of digital data.

Wednesday February 13

14h00-16h00 Workshop 1 : Drones, robots and technoscience

Président : Samuel Bordreuil (sociologue, IMéRA, LAMES, CNRS-AMU)
– Noël Sharkey (artificial intelligence, University of Sheffield) « Robots at the border: new weapons, new problems?”
RYBN.ORG (collectif artistique, Paris) «Antidatamining: Borders to the test of financialized economy»
– Charles Heller (filmmaker and writer, Center for Research Architecture, Goldsmiths, University of London) “Forensic Oceanography: subverting surveillance, demanding accountability”
– Klaus-Gerd Giesen (science politique, Université d’Auvergne, Clermont Ferrand) The biopolitical normalization of the human: a fractal regulation beyond and below borders”

16h30-18h00 – DISCUSSION

Tuesday, February 14

9h30-11h30 Workshop 2: From Identification to Biometry

Président: Cédric Parizot (anthropologue du politique, IMéRA, IREMAM, CNRS-AMU)
– Martine Kaluszynski, (socio-historienne, PACTE, CNRS, Grenoble) « From anthropometric notebook to biometric passeport: Identification, a State building practice»
– Hidefumi Nishiyama (politics and International Studies, University of Warwick) « Bordering bodies in Imperial Japan and beyond»
– Gabriel Popescu (geographer, Indiana University, South Bend) « Border Bodyscapes and Precarious Life: Techno-embedding borders into mobile
– Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly (science politique, University of Victoria, Bristish Columbia) “Borders, Theory and Security: the border, here, there, and everywhere”

12h00-13h30 DISCUSSION

13h30-14h30 PAUSE DEJEUNER

14h30-16h00 Workshop 3 : Pervasive borders

Présidente: Anne Laure Amilhat Szary (géographe, PACTE, Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble)
Joana Moll (new media artist, Barcelone) « Move and get shot: Surveillance through social networks along the US-Mexico
– Nick Mai (anthropologist, London Metropolitan University) «Emborder : the biographisation of borders»
– Jean Cristofol (philosophe, Ecole Supérieure d’Art d’Aix en Provence) « Flux, images et frontières/Flows, Images and borders»

16h30-18h00 DISCUSSION

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Photographies : Myriam Boyer